Personal development & Career

Personal growth starts with Who am I

Coaching Services

Personal development

The corona crisis affects many employees and self-employed people. Companies and enterprises are seeing a decline in turnover or are unable to find new orders. “There is colossal damage to the economy with two quarters in a row of a total of 10 percent contraction. Even in the 1930s we didn't see such a decline.”

For many people this means uncertainty about their job or income. The labor market changes and that brings uncertainty. Develop yourself further and stay flexible and increase your chances. How can you use this crisis to get out of it better?

Where am I going, what do I really want.

Are you in an uncertain situation as a result of the Covid pandemic? Would you like to check whether you are still in your place? Are you an entrepreneur or self-employed and do you want to increase your chances of (other) work?

What is a wise choice and what obstacles are there. With a vision about who you are and what you want, making conscious choices becomes easier.

A personal development process has a fixed structure, so that you know where you stand. The process and structure is a given, you determine the content and it is tailor-made. The process consists of research, experimenting, reflection, learning and action

Six parts of one
personal development process

In the interview we will get to know each other and discuss your coaching question. Do we have sufficient 'click' to start the process together?

Where are you - Current situation

What is your goal – destination

Which way are you going – the route, the path

What action do you perform?

Evaluation – reflection and balance


Personal Development Program - virtual


The Personal Development Coaching program includes:
An individually tailored program consisting of 4 coaching sessions. When we start, we have already met in a personal conversation and determined your roadmap together. The click is there. Let's get started.

  • Part of the subsidy scheme is a labor market scan (in 2020)
  • To prepare you well, we will give you two additional tests: talent and motivation test. 
  • You will have access to a personal online learning environment.
  • Weekly or bi-weekly coaching session.
  • The coach lets you reflect, provides you with new insights and gives you stimulating assignments.
  • You will start working with a Personal Development Plan and targeted assignments.
  • You keep track of your progress in a logbook
For whom?

Who is this program intended for?

• If you have goals and dreams, this is for you.

• If you want support as you take steps towards success.

• You know that if you continue to learn and develop, you will remain flexible and have better opportunities on the labor market. 


• The willingness (yes, I want…) to take action.

• You have an open mind that is ready for change and growth. 
• You want to discover and experience the best and happiest versions of yourself.

In 2020, development advice was free of charge. The government had made this scheme available due to the corona crisis, to help people in these uncertain times.

Practical information

Location is virtual via phone, Skype, Zoom or other video calling app.

Don't wait any longer and plan yours today free interview in.

More information or registration


You will get a fresh and sometimes surprising look at your talents, core qualities, knowledge, skills and ambitions. You can get started with this insight. With this knowledge you can take the next step. 


My mission is to raise your awareness and the awareness of the world, to have the greatest impact on the lives of others. I do this by optimizing everyone's own passion, goal and potential.
Adger de Boer

What do other people say?

Testimonials from people who have changed their lives.

“Professional and very knowledgeable, cheerful coach with cheerful eyes who is visibly happy with every value he can add to a relationship. Adger, has the ability to let you be completely yourself and to adapt feedback and coaching to the way that best suits the individual.
Take responsibility
Product Owner
"Adger is a good coach and observer who challenges you to think. Good questioning forced me to reflect on my behavior and approach. Adger has helped to change old behavior and patterns."

trainer & coach

About Adger

I help you discover what you really want and we develop a plan to get there. I will assist you and give you space so that you can find your way. 

We start where you are now and work towards your own goals. Super effective and targeted. Often a few conversations are enough. I hold you responsible for your own actions, encourage you and lovingly support you when necessary. And we celebrate those moments when you have overcome obstacles and you are reaping the rewards of what you have achieved and worked hard for.

Coach Adger

Communication is like oxygen

You can reach me on these social networks – feel free to follow 
